Plagiarism and Kelyn Training Services Policies and Procedures

This document covers information relating to Plagiarism and your obligations to Kelyn Training Services.

Please ensure you have read and understand the requirements that it is your own work and not someone else.




Digital Name


I, the online account holder make the following declaration and do solemnly and sincerely declare that:






1.     I have read and agree to all Kelyn Training Services Policies and Procedures.

 2.     I have reviewed and understand the obligations outlined in the Client Information Handbook.

 3.     The work submitted (including written assessments) for the course/s is my own work.

 4.     I have received no assistance from anyone else in the completion of the assessments.

 5.     I have not plagiarised another’s work.

 6.     I have received no assistance from anyone else to complete the learning contained within this course.

 7.     I have identified myself truthfully for the course undertaken.

 8.     I have provided an identity document and agreed to verification.      

I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and I understand that a person who intentionally makes a false statement on this Self Declaration form violates the authenticity of the training they have received. I believe that the statements in this declaration are true in every particular.